R. Tsuneyoshi, H.Sugita, K.N.Kusanagi &F. Takahashi eds.(2020) World Scientific.
The Japanese educational model of holistic education, Tokkatsu, addresses noncognitve learning, learning during nonsubject activities, and tries to integrate this with cognitive/subject learning in an attempt to develop the total child. Tokkatsu is situated in the curriculum alongside subjects under a holistic framework. The model has been adopted in various countries (e.g., Egypt, Malaysia), but there is not that many resources in English. This is the first book to introduce the model in English.
Related Unit: International Cooperation Unit.
R.Tsuneyoshi ed. (2018). New York: Routledge.
This book examines globalization in the Japanese context by insiders of the system.
Chapter examples: Part I. Setting the Stage, Chapter 1. Introduction (Ryoko Tsuneyoshi and Yuto Kitamura), Chapter 2. "Exceptionalism" in Japanese education and its implications (Ryoko Tsuneyoshi), Chapter 3. Japan’s challenge in fostering global human resources: policy debates and practices (Akiyoshi Yonezawa & Yukiko Shimmi).
Related Unit: Education & Social Work
R. Tsuneyoshi, K. H. Okano & S. Boocock (2011). New York: Routledge.
This volume examines how Japan’s increasingly multicultural population has impacted on the lives of minority children and their peers at school, and how schools are responding to this trend in terms of providing minority children with opportunities and preparing them for the adult society (from the Routledge homepage). Chapters include: 1. Introduction: An interactive perspective in understanding minorities and education Kaori H. Okano and Ryoko Tsuneyoshi, 2. Long-existing minorities and education Kaori H. Okano 3 (for details, please click below).
Related Units: Education & Social Work
R. Tsuneyoshi (2001). New York: Routledge.
This book is based on fieldwork of Japanese and American elementary schools, and examines the different patterns that emerge from the structures and the values behind the structures. The elaboration of the Japanese educational model serves as the basis for discussions on the Tokkatsu model of holistic education. From Routledge's homepage below: "Her chapters cover childbearing, models of schooling, patterns at work, the Japanese school model, newcomers in the Japanese classroom, and discussion of parallel issues and concerns." -- Journal of Japanese Studies.
Related Units: All.
Toolkits on various areas of Tokkatsu will be provided
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